Resident Evil fans have reason to celebrate as a new, enhanced version of the long-ago canceled “Resident Evil 1.5” has been released, offering a new glimpse into the game’s original vision. This latest update, crafted by renowned modder ‘MartinBiohazard,’ introduces significant improvements and additional content to the previously scrapped prototype of Resident Evil 2.

Originally intended as the sequel to the groundbreaking Resident Evil, “Resident Evil 1.5” was shelved by Capcom in 1997 when the game was reportedly 60-80% complete. This version featured a different storyline, characters, and settings compared to the final release of Resident Evil 2. Over the years, dedicated fans and modders have painstakingly reconstructed the game from leaked assets and design documents, striving to provide an experience that mirrors the original intent.
The new update by ‘MartinBiohazard’ enhances the gameplay experience by adding a section where players can assume the role of Marvin Branagh, a character who plays a more substantial role in this version than in the final Resident Evil 2 release. Additionally, the update addresses various bugs and adjusts damage values for zombies, contributing to a more balanced experience.
For those interested in exploring this piece of gaming history, the updated version of “Resident Evil 1.5” is now available for download.